Real Estate

Deeth & Co. - Industries: Real Estate

When real estate agents and brokers are not meeting clients and pursuing transactions, cash inflow comes to a halt. Top industry professionals realize that any time spent not marketing or meeting ‘Face to Face’ with prospects is usually time wasted. Most real estate practitioners recognize that the accounting side to their profession is best handled by informed and knowledgeable accountants. Advocates that understand the industry, as well as understand the need to get financial information into the hands of their clients on a timely basis.

Deeth can set up and help manage bookkeeping for real estate agents and brokerage offices with a cloud bookkeeping service with links to bank accounts as well as personal and business credit cards. Important HST and tax filing deadlines will also be met.

Many agents are unaware of the tax savings they receive by incorporating a Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC). As your PREC agent, we’ll complete your HST requirements, and corporate and personal tax filings. If you operate your real estate business under a PREC, we can also provide a specialized consultant for your tax planning. If you operate as a self-employed agent, we can still complete your HST and personal tax filings.

Busy brokerage offices are constantly challenged with the proper classification and storage of accounting related documents. Deeth and Co. can help maintain, and update these records, and provide a system that solves storage hassles.  We can also help you set up segregated accounts so there is no comingling of your incoming funds.